20 Rules Subject Verb Agreement with Examples

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As a copy editor, one of the most important aspects of writing is ensuring proper subject-verb agreement. This rule dictates that the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in terms of number (singular or plural). In this article, we’ll explore 20 rules of subject-verb agreement with examples to help you sharpen your writing skills.

1. Use a singular verb when the subject is singular.

Example: The dog barks at the mail carrier.

2. Use a plural verb when the subject is plural.

Example: The dogs bark at the mail carrier.

3. Compound subjects joined by “and” take a plural verb.

Example: Tom and Jerry are friends.

4. Compound subjects joined by “or” or “nor” take a verb that agrees with the closer subject.

Example: Neither the teacher nor the students are happy.

5. Collective nouns take a singular verb when the group is considered as a whole.

Example: The jury has reached a verdict.

6. Collective nouns take a plural verb when the group is considered as individuals.

Example: The jury were arguing amongst themselves.

7. Indefinite pronouns such as “everyone” and “someone” take a singular verb.

Example: Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting.

8. Indefinite pronouns such as “several” and “many” take a plural verb.

Example: Several people have already signed up for the cooking class.

9. Singular nouns ending in “s” or “ss” take a singular verb.

Example: The boss always chooses the best candidate for the job.

10. Nouns ending in “s” but referring to a single entity take a singular verb.

Example: Politics is a tricky subject to discuss.

11. Subjects that are separated by a prepositional phrase do not affect the subject-verb agreement.

Example: The book on the table belongs to Mary.

12. If the subject is a collective noun, the verb should agree with the context.

Example: The board of directors is voting on the proposal.

13. When a sentence starts with “there” or “here,” the verb should agree with the subject that follows.

Example: There are many people in the park today.

14. Phrases such as “as well as” or “together with” do not change the subject-verb agreement.

Example: The CEO, as well as the board of directors, is responsible for the company’s success.

15. Titles of books, movies, and other works are considered singular, and the verbs should agree accordingly.

Example: The Lord of the Rings is an epic fantasy novel.

16. Quantities or amounts take singular verbs.

Example: Two liters of water is enough for the recipe.

17. Expressions of time, money, distance, and weight take singular verbs.

Example: Ten dollars is not enough to buy a new pair of shoes.

18. When the subject is “either” or “neither,” the following verb should be singular.

Example: Neither of us wants to go to the party.

19. When the subject is “each,” the verb should also be singular.

Example: Each of the students has their own opinion.

20. When the subject is “none,” it should take a singular verb if it refers to a singular thing, and a plural verb if it refers to a plural thing.

Example: None of the cake was eaten.

In conclusion, mastering subject-verb agreement is crucial for effective writing. By following these 20 rules and practicing regularly, you can become a skilled writer with impeccable grammar. Remember to check your work thoroughly for any errors and make necessary corrections. Happy writing!

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